Baby, you know I love you

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Romeo hearts Juliet <3
Life without you is like a broken pencil,it's pointless

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Thursday, August 11, 2011 { 1:47 AM }

Learning Log 6
I have learn that literary devices is about terms and elements being use in literature and we must know our literary devices well enough so that we are able to do the literature exam well . Some example of literary devices are :

Alliteration - the repetition of the initial consonant. There should be at least two repetitions in a row.i.e. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Simile - figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as, or as though.i.e. She floated in like a cloud.

Repetition - using a word or phrase multiple times, in order to give emphasis and show strong feelings. i.e. "Go ! Go ! Go !
These are just some of many literary devices ! There are many more !

Monday, August 1, 2011 { 5:01 AM }

Learning Log 5 .
I have learn that an unseen poem is about a poem that you might not have read or heard before . So , when doing an unseen poem , you must me mentally prepare and have confident while doing . This are the few steps i will do before doing the poem .
-State what you believe to be the main idea or ideas of the poem, approaching it stanza by stanza.
-Note the key words or phrases repeated throughout the poem.
-Think about why the stanzas/lines are structured in a particular way
-Explore the relationships throughout the poem.
-See if there are any recurring themes in the poem, and elicit what the poet is trying to say by writing about these

But the most important thing is to have confidence while doing the unseen poem , because you must be prepare to face something you have never faced before .

Shengbo .